
Avv. Fausto De Angelis new associated member of ICC Italia

A common goal, that is to help companies develop their business on an increasingly global market, providing them with the appropriate skills and tools to move correctly in an increasingly ...
New site

Our new site is on-line, discover all the news now!

Completely renewed in the graphics and functionality, the new Law Firm website is officially online! The entire structure has been more streamlined and simplified, in order to make the browsing ...

Complete the Organizational Model law 231 with Covid-19 health emergency

In this moment of emergency management due to Covid-19, companies are feeling even stronger the need to equip themselves with adequate protocols to manage the health and safety of their employees and ...

JIACC welcomes Avv. Fausto De Angelis

Avv. Fausto De Angelis has joined the business community of the JIAC, the Joint Italian Arab Chamber of Commerce. The association aims to promote and provide effective support for the ...

GLE: Avv. De Angelis sole referent for contract law in Italy

A new success signed by GLE, the one that recently added to the milestones of the career of Avv. Fausto De Angelis, professional always looking for excellence.After the recent interview ...