Business Law pills

There are situations in the life of companies that need to be handled very carefully from a legal point of view. In this section, Avv. De Angelis examines some of them which, on the basis of experiences made, may be of particular interest to entrepreneurs. The topics are addressed and explained with the typical business law approach.

1. The business plan for an internationalization project

Internationalizing the activities of your company is a choice that requires you to carefully check your organizational and governance structure. I talk about it in this which is the first of a series of Business Law “pills”.

2. The management of extraordinary operations

The entrepreneur who wants to increase the value of his company and gain an additional competitive advantage through an extraordinary operation must have clear strategic objectives and be supported by the right team of experts. A brief guide on how to prepare for such an operation in my pill video.

3. Corporate Governance in the Business Plan

In defining the business development strategy, the analysis of future Governance cannot be missing as a further lever to contribute to success. I talk about it in this third Business Law pill.

4. The new models of personnel organization in the post Covid era

In the new reality that we are experiencing, employers must look to new and more flexible organizational models and search for these ways of recovering efficiency and productivity. Enjoy this new Business Law pill on a highly topical issue.

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