14 February 2020 In Advice, Business law, Events

11th budget forum on risk management in enterprises

A correct budget analysis is the basis of a good business administration. This discipline is evolving faster and faster and staying up to date on this matter is a winning weapon. For this reason, the IPSOA Training School organized, with the collaboration of ANDAF, the eleventh budget forum for business management: the risk-proof balance.

The meeting will be held at the Assolombarda headquarters in Milan, via Pantano 9, Tuesday 18 February. The topics of the day will be varied, the key points of which will be around IFRS 15 and 16, national and international accounting standards, revenues and alert indices developed by the CNDCEC and required by the new crisis and insolvency code.

Among the guests present at the event we find Massimo Tezzon, General Secretary of OIC – Italian Accounting Body, Gilberto Gelosa, Tax Director of CNDCEC and Francesca Mariotti, Tax Director of Confindustria.

The Lawyer Fausto De Angelis will be present at the event to stay updated on the matter and provide the best business consultancy.